The two most often used batchers are called: ‘Mapbatcher_ver_RL_latest.mxd’ and ‘Mapbatcher_ver_Draft.mxd’ and they are for making RL website maps and draft maps respectively. There have been multiple improvements for new map batchers including: intelligently picking fields if their names are in accordance to the mapping standards, accepting joined tables for RL categories, accept single quoted sub species names, quicker production of maps (hopefully with less bugs :). There are also some changes in UI (simpler!).

You are very welcome to make a copy from these templates and modify layout to suit your application.
There is another similar map document with VBA add-on called species browser which allow users to browse quickly through each species in a merged feature class/shapefile. It can be useful for checking geometry and attribute for individual species in a bulky shapefile/feature class.

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