

Page history last edited by yichuan.shi 13 years, 9 months ago

IUCN Calculate Area for Biogeographic Realm for ArcGIS10 



This tool was designed for intersecting species range distribution to WWF ecoregions to identify which realms it intersects and calculate total areas as well as percentage overlap. It can also use any biogeographic realms, such as WWF Ecoregion/ Ecozone, FAO and LME etc as base layers.

Please note:

  • The input data must satisfy certain conditions, please refer to each input parameter for more information.
  • The initial intersection might take a long time if the data is too large or has very complicated shapes. If the intersection process fails, please double check the input dataset is free of geometry error (such as self-intersection).
  • The input species data is automatically filtered in the script by excluding presence 6 (presence uncertain), origin 3 (introduced), origin 4 (vagrant) ranges.
  • The result file is a csv file that lists all species from input that intersect with realms. Each column records a realm of area (in square kilometers) and percentage overlap.


The area calculation may be erroneous if the distribution of input data do not align with the base layer. For example, marine species may occur in terrestrial systems if their range boundary reaches beyond that of the underlying base layer.



This tool is developed for ArcGIS 10 and does not support previous versions of ArcGIS



EcoregionRealmAreaCalculationvmk4 (Workspace, Input_Species, Binomial_Field, Base_Layer, Baselayer_Zone_Field, Output_Result)




Data Type


Dialog Reference

Specify the working folder. The result will be written to this folder.


Python Reference



Dialog Reference

Can be shapefiles, database feature classes or layers holding species range distribution data (single or multiple species). Please note that the data MUST have a correct spatial reference with them, either geographic or projected

If the input data has a selection, the calculation will be based on the selection only.

There is no python reference for this parameter.

Feature Layer


Dialog Reference

Specify the field which holds the species name. By default, it is set to 'BINOMIAL'


Python Reference

Specify the field which holds the species name. By default, it is set to 'BINOMIAL'



Dialog Reference

For example, WWF ecoregion, LME (Large Mammal Ecoregion), country layers.

It can be a shapefile, database feature class or layer. Please note that the data MUST:

  • have a correct spatial reference with them (geographic or projected)
  • be DISSOLVED by the field specifies different realms or zones (i.e., different realm value for each row)

There is no python reference for this parameter.

Feature Layer


Dialog Reference

Specify the field which holds different zones or realms. For example, ‘REALM’ in the WWF ecoregion baselayer

There is no python reference for this parameter.


Output_Result (Optional)

Dialog Reference

It is recommended to save the result as a CSV file (comma separated value). E.g., outputresult. csv. By default, the result file will be created as 'result.csv' under the pre-specified workspace. The resultant area unit is square kilometer.


Python Reference

To facilitate analysis afterward. It is recommended to save the result as a CSV file (comma separated value). E.g., outputresult. csv. By default the result file will be created as 'result.csv'




ArcPy script, ArcGIS10, Geoprocessing, Biodiversity tool, IUCN


IUCN Species Programme, Cambridge, UK


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