
Front Page

Page history last edited by Jemma Able 12 years, 9 months ago Saved with comment

Species Mapping Tools for the IUCN Red List

Welcome.  This wiki is for the use of those involved in creating species range maps for the IUCN red list. 

Here is  presentation  which provides an overview of Red List mapping standards and best practices including standard attribute data.

It also provides a methodology on calculating metrics such as extent of occurrence (EOO) as well as area of occupancy (AOO).


This front page will contain progress updates.


1. ARCGIS SCRIPTS AND TOOLS: Python scripts and geoprocessing tools to run in ArcGIS

(For the following tools, you need all files in the FTP link)

Species Mapping Tools for ArcGIS 9.x

Species Mapping Tools for ArcGIS10 (Documentation)

Ecoregion Tools for ArcGIS10 (Documentation)

RedList Tools for ArcGIS10 (Documentation)


2. GOOGLE MAPS: How to create species distribution maps in Google maps or Google earth.

How to map species distribution polygons in Google maps

How to create polygons in Google Earth



     Polygon attributes

     Point locality data attributes

     Empty point and polygon shapefiles with attribute fields (zip file for download)

     Empty Hydroshed (inlcuding subsets for regions) shapefiles with attribute fields (zip file for download)

     Base data layers

     GeoCAT : A new web based tool from KEW that performs extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) analysis. 


4. ADD-ONS, currently developed using VBA, you need to install VBA resources for ArcGIS Desktop and a VBA license

Mapbatchers (updated: ver_RL and ver_Draft)


(Documentation for the above)


5. Mapping standards for freshwater species


6. General best practice advice for species data


7. FAQs



Links and info about opensource GIS e.g. GDAL

Other useful links



Comments (4)

pcav said

at 9:42 pm on Jun 5, 2011

Why not having the same tools also for free software, especially QuantumGIS? Many people do not have Arc*

yichuan.shi said

at 9:49 pm on Jun 5, 2011

Hi pcav, we'd love to have the same set of tools for open source GIS such as QuantumGIS, however, we don't have the resource to do so. In addition, these tools are mainly developed for people working for the IUCN redlist who we give ArcGIS to.

Martin Hamilton said

at 4:52 am on Sep 27, 2012

Having trouble accessing the resources.

ISA Server: extended error message :

200 Type set to I.
200 PORT command successful.
550 /GIS_Resources/speciesmappingtools_forArcGIS10/: The system cannot find the path specified.

Adrian Hughes said

at 1:02 am on Oct 2, 2012

despite this message you should still be able to click on a filename to download

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